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  • contact.anglo@anglosingapore.ac.th
  • #1 Sukhumvit 64, Prakanong Tai, Bangkok 10260, Thailand
  • Academic Achievements

    Academic Achievements

    Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards Results

    What is the Cambridge Outstanding Learners Award?

    Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards are a group of awards issued by Cambridge International Education, that recognise exceptional achievement in Cambridge exams around the world. The primary purpose of these awards is to celebrate and recognise the success of Cambridge learners.

    All Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge Advanced students are eligible for our ‘Top in the World’ award, with some eligible at Cambridge O Level too. In those countries where Cambridge exams are taken by more students a wider range of awards are available, including ‘Top in Country’, ‘Best Across’ and ‘High Achievement’.

    Cambridge Exams Result Summary

    Cambridge Exams Result Summary





