• +66(0)44081162
  • contact.anglo@anglosingapore.ac.th
  • 1688/18 Mittraphap Rd, Muang Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand
  • Academics


    At Anglo Singapore International School, we provide a comprehensive educational experience that fully meets the Singaporean Curriculum Framework whilst integrating key elements of the curricula from the UK and Cambridge. Students complete an immersive educational programme that culminates in the prestigious Cambridge IGCSE, AS and A-Level exams. With a focus on developing fluency in English, Mother Tongue (Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and Korean), and Thai, our students thrive in a trilingual environment. Our aim is to provide a holistic education that equips our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a globalised world.

    At Anglo Singapore International School, we provide a comprehensive educational experience that fully meets the Singaporean Curriculum Framework whilst integrating key elements of the curricula from the UK and Cambridge. Students complete an immersive educational programme that culminates in the prestigious Cambridge IGCSE, AS and A-Level exams. With a focus on developing fluency in English, Mother Tongue (Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and Korean), and Thai, our students thrive in a trilingual environment. Our aim is to provide a holistic education that equips our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in a globalised world.

    High Quality Learning
    Academic Achievements
    Academic & Career Services
    High Quality Learning
    Academic Achievements
    Academic & Career Services